Paypal, owned by eBay is a great way of sending payments for eBay items or any items bought over the internet. Within minutes, you can send payments across the world. However, Paypal also has it’s fair share of critics and members who disagree with their policies and agreements, especially when a decision goes against the complaining member or they lose out to online fraud.
Using paypal, you can choose to pay for your item or service in a number of ways. The most popular method is by using any balance you have within your paypal account. This is built up, by other members sending you payment for eBay or other items. Alternatively, once you have registered your bank account and any debit or credit cards with paypal you can choose to pay for items using these options.
The safest way for members to pay for items with Paypal, is by registering a credit card and funding all payments though this. Because, paying though credit card normally offers an extra level of protection should things go wrong.
In most countries, credit card companies are partially or full liable should things go wrong with a transaction and will actively get involved to resolve any issues or do a complete chargeback, placing the funds back on your account. Even if you enter into a dispute with paypal and lose, you can still get your credit card company involved to dispute any transaction.
However, paypal doesn’t make it easy for you to fund a payment using a credit card if you already have a balance in the account. Payments are normally funded out of the paypal balance first, and then either from a backup source (bank account or credit card) if the funds are not enough to pay for the complete purchase.
To pay for an entire purchase, via your credit card you need to clear any balance. You can do this by sending the payment to a non existing email address, or to an email address you own but is not registered with paypal.
As soon as you do this your balance will be empty, & you can now choose a funding option such as credit card. In the meantime, paypal will have sent an email to the non existing or alterative email address telling them of they have a payment waiting and how to open a paypal account.
Now your payment is complete, all you need to do is log back into your paypal account, find the transaction to the non existing email address and click on cancel. Your payment will be reversed back into your account, because it will have gone unclaimed.
Paypal is great to use and a brilliant resource, but it always help to have a little extra level of protection when purchasing things online.
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