Title insurance provider Fidelity National Financial (FNF) has announced the appointment of...
Did you miss a session from GamesBeat Summit 2022? All sessions are available to...
In the second of a two-part series on partnerships in payments , Payments Cards &...
Increasingly blurred boundaries mean that practically anyone can declare themselves a payment provider, using banking-as-a-service to...
“To make sure we keep doing that, we have created the Launchpad to foster...
Marsh has announced the appointment of Ryan Bond as head of climate...
Aon has announced the appointment of Jillian Slyfield as chief innovation officer,...
Innovation, technology, and digitalisation are helping the construction industry to clean up its carbon...
“At Swiss Re, we’ve always said that we want to be progressive,” said Pasricha....
Lloyd’s has announced the next 11 insurtech start-ups joining the seventh cohort of its...