10/02/2025 11:51 PM


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Truly Global Standards and Implementation of Business Online Fee Payment Niet Processes

This is a significant milestone for Rosetta Net in creating a truly global standards-based organization,” said Jennifer Hamilton, CEO, and Rosetta Net. “Rosetta Net began as a multinational-based initiative, and we continue to expand the global operations with local and regional offices that will participate in ensuring the development of truly global standards and implementation of Rosetta Net e Business online fee payment niet processes”.

The Rosetta Net consortium in Singapore will consist of a steering committee, supply chain partners, solutions partners and coalition partners, and is facilitated by the Info comm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore. Representatives from 10 Mn Cs are also involved and include Agilent Technologies, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Motorola. Consumers exhibit different behavior and express varied concerns. For example, a recent survey study showed that 25% browse on-line and buy from brick and mortar stores, 19% are brand loyalists and buy from merchants they know, and 17% are interested in saving time and maximizing convenience. According to another survey, consumers concerns on late delivery have increased from the 1999 level to 59% in the 2000 holiday season.

However, concerns over the security of credit cards and personal information have reduced from 50% in 1999 to 33% in the year 2000.After an early emphasis on B2B applications to support selling processes; electronic procurement systems have seen much attention. Most recently, attention has shifted to Internet-based electronic marketplaces. In a recent study, market research company Jupiter Communications estimates that the investments to set up inter-organizational online markets will reach $80.9 billion by 2005, up from $2.1 billion in 2000.Using information technology (IT) to connect organizations is by no means a new phenomenon, but reaches back several decades to include electronic data interchange (EDI) systems and remote terminal applications. Still, systems based on Internet standards seem to be easier to set up technically and cheaper to interconnect.

They might thus reach wider adoption and acceptance than many of the earlier initiatives, and as a result give smaller players a realistic opportunity to join in and reap benefits similar to their larger partners. An electronic marketplace is a virtual marketplace where buyers and suppliers meet to exchange information about prices and product and service offerings, to collaborate, and to negotiate and carry out business transactions. Numerous announcements of online exchanges, possibly involving many thousands of business partners, have been made in a number of industries, including automotive, retail and electronics Success is not always granted, however.

In fact, B2B online markets often report difficulties in generating sufficient liquidity, and in some cases have already terminated their activities completely, providing evidence for the importance of carefully crafted management concepts.B2C customers demand superior shopping experience spanning the entire process from articulating to fulfillment of their needs.

They expect not only on-time delivery but also instant access to their order histories, shipping information and up to the second product availability information. Many of these functions require deep integration between front-end online fee rameesh ordering systems and back-end supply chain and logistic applications. Both FedEx and UPS offer systems that can integrate delivery status and other information from the shippers directly into the e-commerce systems. They can also provide on-line capability for customers to initiate return of packages on the web and link them to drop-off locations. They also provide the customer with the ability to track returns and ensure his/her account is appropriately credited (EW – November 20, 2000). Each phase of ecommerce impacts customer satisfaction differently. For example, the fulfillment impacts satisfaction 55% and selling only 5%. Fulfillment problems such as lost orders, incomplete or inaccurate product availability information, and late shipments were common customer experience in 1999.