03/05/2024 9:12 AM


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Singaporean insurtech start-up Surer to help the industry reach SMEs

Singaporean insurtech start-up Surer to help the industry reach SMEs

An insurance technology start-up in Singapore has launched a cloud-based platform that seeks to help general insurance carriers and intermediaries expand their reach, especially in the small and medium enterprise sector.

According to Surer, which launched on August 12, its platform aims to help all parties in the general insurance industry automate processes and drive network collaborations. In digitalising insurers’ and intermediaries’ workflows, it will enable them to focus on their clients, and scale their business, without having to worry about mismanagement.

Licensed general insurance agents in Singapore are allowed to represent a maximum of three insurers. However, only 9.9{3c4481f38fc19dde56b7b1f4329b509c88239ba5565146922180ec5012de023f} of these agents represent three insurers. By using Surer’s platform, insurers can grow and engage with this previously fragmented salesforce by working with them on one single, connected platform to grow their general insurance business.

“The vision of Surer is to be a fully connected platform that can facilitate a ‘triple-win’ situation where policyholders can be presented more options because of a highly efficient intermediary salesforce which can now advise better, close faster and ultimately give more business to insurers who now have access to these ‘supercharged’ intermediaries,” said Derren Teo, co-founder of Surer.

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