Getting the cash to pay for your son’s college, or to pay for your new house is something you can’t simply ignore. While you can apply for a loan, often times the interest may not be very favorable for you and you end up paying more than the amount you borrowed. However, if you are a recipient of an annuity payment, selling a part or the whole of the payments may be enough to answer for your immediate financial needs. In fact, most annuity recipients sell annuity for this reason.
While it is true that you can find several annuity buyers that are interested in buying your annuity payments for lump sum of cash, not all will be willing to pay most cash for your annuities. So it is best that you carefully choose to whom you’ll sell your annuity. There a few steps you need to follow to sell annuity for most cash.
Do Research
The first step you need to do is to make at least a short research about your annuity payments. Does the agreement you signed allows you to sell annuity payments or transfer your rights to a third party? Does it require court order so you can sell your annuity? How much does your annuity cost? It is best that you also consult your lawyer, or your financial adviser when deciding whether it is favorable for you to sell your annuity or not.
Ask for Quotes
To help you find the best annuity payments buyer (the one who is willing to pay most cash for your payments) you need to have an idea how much will they pay for your annuity by asking for their quotes. You can either personally visit them at their office, or call their business line, or you can visit their online website. Either ways, you can secure the quotes you need to better decide on the matter.
Choosing the highest bid does not end the process. You also need to verify if they will be charging you with other fees in connection with the sale of your annuity. Some annuity buyers would usually offer huge amount of cash for it only to find out that they have to deduct from that amount the fees needed for the processing of the sale of your annuity. Compare the fees and the amount these annuity buyers offer you. Consulting your lawyer or financial adviser will be very helpful in this stage. Once you have cleared and compared everything only then you’ll finally sell annuity payments.
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