How Medisoft Helps Your Practice Run More Efficiently..
Please keep in mind when reading this article that some of the features I will discuss may not be available in earlier versions or in all models, Patient Accounting, Advanced and Network Professional.
Many practices are more than satisfied with the day to day uses of Medisoft. Did you know that most practices are only using Medisoft at approximately 40% of its capabilities?
For those who are unfamiliar with Medisoft, here’s a brief review. Medisoft is a physician / medical office practice management software. Any practitioner from physical therapist to brain surgeon can use this software. Facilities and organizations such as pharmacies, home health agencies, billing services and surgery centers can also maximize their office functionality by using Medisoft. The suite of Medisoft solutions gives offices everything they need to completely automate their practice. From scheduling to the electronic documentation of patient care to billing and account management, Medisoft helps make the practice more efficient and more profitable.
Medisoft is the most user friendly software you can buy and can easily be customized to your individual practice needs. Medisoft is more than just a medical billing system, it has the capability to enhance productivity, improve efficiencies, simplify administration and strengthen work and financial flow.
Medisoft manages patient appointment scheduling, patient and insurance past due accounts, collections, write-offs, and patient co-pays. Here are some key features you might not be aware of:
Scheduling Patient Appointments: The workflow process begins when a patient schedules an appointment. Did you know that you can schedule office visit templates so that the Find Open Time feature can be utilized. You can also check patient balances and apply patient balances from the appointment window
Patient Payment Plans: Medisoft has the ability to create patient payment plans that include the date the first payment is due, the payment due date (i.e. every 30 days), as well as the amount due. Should the patient default from the scheduled payment plan, the patient will then be included in the Collection List feature at which time you can generate a collection letter.
Patient Quick Entry: This feature lets you select which fields from the Patient and Case windows are included on a Patient Quick Entry template and you can even include initial default settings. You can also select any custom data elements created in the Custom Patient Designer or Custom Case Designer such as a custom combo box. This feature allows you to enter patient and case data from one easy window.
Collection List: The Collection List has replaced the Work List, which was available in previous versions of Medisoft. The Collection List helps you manage financial transactions that need to be singled out for collection. You can create tickler items to keep track of collection efforts with patients and insurance carriers. You can also generate and track collection letters.
BillFlash Intergration: Medisoft allows you to process your statements online through BillFlash. From Medisoft, you upload your statements to BillFlash and BillFlash handles printing and mailing them. You retain the ability to review and approve the statements before BillFlash distributes them. All of your data is stored and transmitted securely.
Default Printer Option: Medisoft 15 introduced a new feature for selecting a default printer for printing superbills, claims, and statements. This setting is saved to the user’s Medisoft login profile/workstation.
Future Appointment Warning- Office Hours Professional and Office Hours Network Professional: Medisoft’s Office Hours Professional will alert you when entering a new appointment for a patient that already has a future appointment scheduled. This alert appears in the New Appointment Entry or Edit Appointment Entry window as a “Patient has Future Appointment” button with a lookup magnifying glass. You can click the button to view future appointments for the patient.
Small Balance Write-off Option: Medisoft has the ability to write-off statement balances that have been sent the selected number of times set in the submission count field, by cut off date and/or dollar amount.
Task Scheduler: This feature allows users to schedule backups of their data and schedule reports so that they are automatically generated according to a user defined schedule. This can save valuable time by automating the report printing process.
Final Draft: Final Draft is a word processing program that can pull data from the Medisoft program into documents prepared in Final Draft. You can use this feature to enter patient notes and narratives as well as letters and other documents necessary for the practice. This includes creating templates in the Letter Wizard for things such as appeals and overpayment requests that can automatically pull preselected data from the patient chart.
Medisoft Reports: Medisoft has 229 reports, pie charts and graphs to help you manage your practice. All reports can be modified using the Medisoft Reports Professional version.
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