After losing his United States championship earlier in the show to Bobby Lashley, Vince...
If Title IX birthed the University of Tulsa women’s golf crew, Dale McNamara elevated...
Iowa State women’s golf head coach Christie Martens (left) discusses a chipping drill with...
UTSA’s Mission The University of Texas at San Antonio is devoted to the progression...
Fifty years ago, on June 23, 1972, Congress passed the Education Amendment of 1972....
Washington Spirit v OL Reign Megan Rapinoe of OL Reign looks on against the...
HUDSON — MetzWood Coverage built an early 3-1 guide and rode the three-strike pitching...
Scott Emigh For the Chief When Kimi Presnell played softball at Sand Springs, the...
For the story to Southridge’s earn Monday afternoon versus Gibson Southern, seem on the...
The U.S. Soccer Federation reached milestone agreements to pay its men’s and women’s teams...